Alameda High School


Period of Performance

April 2008-July 2009


Original contract amount $7,923,000 | Final contract amount $8,532,035


Jeffco School District


Christiansen, Reece & Partners PC

Project Overview

Lakewood, CO

New construction of a two-story sciences classroom wing which included full new mechanical, electrical, telecom, data, security, and fire systems for the new addition with expansion capabilities for future construction phases. Eight large science classrooms and two computer labs were included. Additionally, work included the remodel of the existing athletic and physical education locker rooms.

New Construction.
Occupied Facility.
Civil Infrastructure.

"As the architects for the Alameda High School Addition/ Remodel project for Jefferson County Schools, we had the opportunity to work with Krische Construction. The project included a complete interior demolition and reconstruction of the existing locker rooms with a very short schedule. Krische tackled all challenges this project presented with a dedication to providing quality craftsmanship. The addition portion of the project was the first phase of a multi- phased master plan. The addition contained classrooms with unique construction needs including science labs, food labs, special education spaces, etc. Here again, Krische performed all of the work required to successfully complete the project. The team they put together did a great job. Krische staff paid attention to detail and finished the project on time and within budget.""

Holly Davis Burns Christiansen, Reece & Partners PC
